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The City of Sacramento is developing its budget for fiscal year 2025/2026 and is seeking the public's input. The City has forecasted significant financial challenges for the coming year, and it will need to make strategic decisions to achieve a balanced budget. Please share your thoughts on how the City should develop its budget by taking the survey below. The City is required by its charter to approve a balanced budget before the July 1 start of the new fiscal year.

Please complete the survey no later than Sunday, November 24, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Last year, City staff forecasted that the City is facing a "structural budget deficit" with the rate of cost increases outpacing available City resources. The City closed a projected $66 million deficit to balance the Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget with a combination one-time and ongoing budget balancing strategies.

As we approach budget development for Fiscal Year 2025/26, do you think the City’s budget deficit will be:

Question Title

* 2. To address the budget deficit, should the City:

Question Title

* 3. To increase City revenues, what strategies should be considered? Please choose all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate your level of support for reducing expenses in each of the following areas by selecting your top five choices.

Select "Strongest Support for Expense Reductions" for the area in which you most support reducing expenses, "2nd Strongest Support for Expense Reductions" for your next choice, and so on.

  Strongest Support for Expense Reductions 2nd Strongest Support for Expense Reductions 3rd Strongest Support for Expense Reductions 4th Strongest Support for Expense Reductions 5th Strongest Support for Expense Reductions
Climate programs
Affordable housing programs
Community benefit programs (such as free Sacramento Regional Transit rides for school-age children)
General government services (Information Technology, Human Resources, Finance, Clerk, Auditor, City Attorney)
Economic Development
Community Development (Animal Care, Code Enforcement and Planning)
Capital projects (large new projects or infrastructure improvements)
Fire Department
Police Department
Arts and culture programs
Youth, Parks & Community Enrichment programs
Homelessness programs
Public Works (Roads, public facilities and tree maintenance, parking)

Question Title

* 5. City staff and the City Council in September 2023 participated in a public priority setting workshop. Council members collectively selected homelessness, public safety, housing and deferred maintenance/infrastructure investment as their top four priorities.

Last year, the Community Survey identified Public Safety, Homelessness, Housing, and Fiscal Sustainability as the top 4 priorities for the City. Do you believe those should still be the top priorities for the City?

25% of survey complete.